SMS Test Services

Global and local businesses rely heavily on SMS. Whether banking companies, credit card companies, or any company that sends its customers SMS messages, communicating with customers through SMS messages is easier said than done. This is especially true when operating in multiple countries because companies encounter unforeseeable issues that block and/or scramble these messages. Fortunately, Global Telecom Testing’s SMS test service leverages our experience to help overcome these issues and obstacles. Our local, in-country testers work with clients to identify issues ranging from delivery data to content specifications.

From worldwide SMS marketing campaigns to new SMS services for your customers, pre and post in-country testing is the ONLY way to ensure connectivity, message/content delivery and integrity across all mobile networks.


Worldwide SMS marketing and advertising campaigns have become an increasingly important part of a business’s growth strategy. There are many in-country restrictions and issues when it comes to mobile networks ranging from lack of coverage to restricted service. These can cause your SMS delivery percentage to decrease significantly. When in-country networks aren’t supported and/or operational, millions of intended recipients may never receive the SMS. messages.

To verify in-country mobile networks are operational and unrestricted, and intended SMS messages are delivered, it is imperative to test SMS receiving in all networks in all countries where your campaigns will be targeted.

Localized SMS Testing Services Enabling a Worldwide Reach

In addition to live phone number testing and IVR platform testing GTT also supports real-time SMS testing, so you can interact with our local testers to make real-time corrections. When we test your international SMS messaging, you can be sure network restrictions won’t hamper your campaigns. Our SMS text tests ensure you can go back to providing a seamless customer service experience no matter where your customers are located.

  • Local testers support all available mobile networks and handsets in every country
  • Local mobile numbers for each requested network in any country
  • Local testers reply to every SMS message received
  • Local testers provides customer screen shots of each SMS message received to verify character and content
  • Integrity – Video conference, audio call, or email with local staff while testing is in-progress

GTT also supports real-time SMS testing, which integrates our local testers and your company to test and make real-time corrections!


Test your SMS in Real Time

With Global Telecom Testing, you’ll receive actionable metrics to enhance your SMS interactions.